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Meet Rebecca Lerman...


invest in your wellness

Our holistic approach to health and wellness examines how all areas of your life are connected.  Think of our time together as a safe place where you can talk openly about your goals without being judged. I’m here to be your guide, keep you accountable, and allow you the space to grow. 


By the end of your program, you will feel empowered and equipped with the tools and self-awareness to make well-informed decisions as your own expert.

nourish your mind & body

I understand that changing your relationship with food and exercise requires more than just willpower or knowledge. Through education, emotional support, and specific tools around shifting habits, we will help you learn HOW to make the changes you want in your life in a way that is sustainable.

what to expect

As a health coach, I work with my clients on building a healthier lifestyle. We work together on taking small steps that are sustainable to living your best life -whatever that looks like for YOU. There are no diets, no programs, and no compliance, just the support, guidance, and education you need to work towards your goals.

I can help with a variety of health issues such as weight loss, healthy cooking, and recipes, stress reduction, finding balance and happiness in movement, hormones, cravings, headaches, energy levels, management of chronic diseases, and improved sleep quality.  

I provide Bi-weekly 60-minute sessions in person, by phone, or via Facetime. This includes health evaluation and symptoms assessment, food education, how to read nutrition labels, simple healthy recipes, grocery shopping tours at your favorite markets, handouts specific to your needs and goals and so much more.

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